The Chicago Grid Chicago

Battle over effort to ban natural gas in new Chicago buildings continues in council hearing – Chicago Tribune/MSN

Ald. Raymond Lopez argued the gas workers’ union had been unfairly excluded from conversations planning the ordinance over the last two years, eliciting claps from two dozen men seated together in the public gallery. “I think what we’ve seen time and time again is we’re trying to ‘stack the deck’ to move forward on things.” Few Illinoisans voted in the recent primary elections, with a mere 20 percent of voters turning out, according to the Chicago Tribune/MSN. This is due to a lack of competitive elections, gerrymandering, or people believing their votes don't matter. This could be a significant setback for the future of Illinois. The state's future is uncertain as many people seem to believe their votes are not important.

Battle over effort to ban natural gas in new Chicago buildings continues in council hearing – Chicago Tribune/MSN

نشرت : منذ شهرين بواسطة في Environment

Few Illinoisans found reason to vote in the most recent primary elections. Overall, voter turnout was maybe just 20 percent statewide. Perhaps it was a lack of competitive elections. Or gerrymandering. Or people think their votes don’t matter. Maybe it was a little bit of each. Whatever it was, few seem to care. And that’s bad news for Illinois’ future.

المواضيع: ESG

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