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Chicago students in Taiwan uninjured in earthquake

The students from St. Ignatius College Prep were eating breakfast when the ground shook, according to the school's Facebook page. A group of Chicago high school students studying in Taiwan is safe after a 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck, the strongest to hit Taiwan in 25 years. St Ignatius College Prep staff has been in touch with the group, who were eating breakfast when the earthquake struck. No students or staff were injured. The earthquake hit the eastern region near the city of Hualien and the group was moving west to safer ground. Search and rescue efforts have been launched for others trapped under collapsed buildings. Over 1,000 people have been injured.

Chicago students in Taiwan uninjured in earthquake

نشرت : منذ شهرين بواسطة Mary Norkol في Weather

A group of Chicago high school students studying in Taiwan is safe after a devastating earthquake struck Wednesday morning, the school says.

St. Ignatius College Prep staff have been in touch with the group of students and staff in Taiwan, who were eating breakfast when the 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck, according to a post on the school's Facebook page. None of the students or staff were injured.

"The group is in good and brave spirits!" the post reads. "We are SO grateful for that!!!"

The earthquake is the strongest to hit Taiwan in 25 years and at least nine people have died, according to the Associated Press. Search and rescue efforts have been launched for others who may be stuck under the rubble of collapsed buildings. More than 1,000 people have been injured.

The earthquake struck the country's eastern region near the city of Hualien, and the St. Ignatius group was traveling west to safer ground, according to the school.

المواضيع: Earthquakes

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