The Chicago Grid Chicago

Sanctuary City Paradise: Tuberculosis Found in Chicago 'Migrant Shelters'

The Windy City is discovering dangerous diseases among the illegal aliens it is housing for free. Tuberculosis has been discovered among the illegal border crossers being housed in Chicago's'migrant shelters' as part of a public health crisis. The disease, which can be fatal and spread through the air, can be treated with antibiotics and can be transferred for free. The city downplayed the discovery of the disease and claimed that the infected illegals are not spreading it. However, Democratic Alderman Raymond Lopez has demanded immunization requirements for "asylum seekers" and accused the city of avoiding a "public health disaster". The outbreak of measles is also occurring in the city, where most cases have been found in one of the migrant shelters.

Sanctuary City Paradise: Tuberculosis Found in Chicago 'Migrant Shelters'

نشرت : منذ شهرين بواسطة Warner Todd Huston في Politics Health

The “sanctuary city” of Chicago has been flooded with President Joe Biden’s illegal aliens, and along with that flood has come a potentially deadly disease.

On Wednesday, Chicago health officials confirmed that tuberculosis has been discovered among the illegal border crossers being housed by the city for free in its “migrant shelters,” WFLD-TV reported.

Officials said “a small number of cases” have been found in “a few different shelters,” without specifying how many.

As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes, TB can be fatal and is spread through the air. The CDC further says that “the bacteria usually attack the lungs, but TB bacteria can attack any part of the body such as the kidney, spine, and brain.”

While there is no effective vaccine for TB, it can be treated with antibiotics. Illegals will presumably receive this treatment for free.

Dr. Aniruddha Hazra, associate professor of medicine at the University of Chicago, told WFLD that Chicagoans have no need to panic.

“The people who are most at risk of tuberculosis are the other migrants living in that shelter,” he said.

The city also downplayed the discovery of the disease and claimed that the infected illegals are not spreading it.

“To date, [the Chicago Department of Public Health] has not confirmed any reports of TB that resulted from exposure to new arrivals in Chicago,” officials said.

“It is important to note that an estimated 10-20% of residents of Central and South America have latent TB infection, which is asymptomatic and not transmissible to others, but does result in a positive TB test,” the department added.

“For those who do have active cases of TB disease, CDPH assigns a nurse case manager to each individual and performs a contact tracing investigation.”

Officials went on to say that up to 150 cases of TB are reported in Chicago every year.

However, Democratic Alderman Raymond Lopez blasted Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration and demanded immunization requirements for “asylum seekers.”

“Performative politics & hurt feelings kept City Hall from avoiding the obvious looming disaster,” Lopez posted on X.

“Anyone who demanded action to protect our residents was called racist, xenophobic, and anti-immigrant by fringe politicians. And now here we are: measles, now tuberculosis both ‘confirmed’ in Chicago.”

As Lopez noted, the Windy City is currently seeing a huge outbreak of measles, and most of the cases have been found inside one of the migrant shelters.

While only 58 cases of measles were reported nationwide in all of 2023, Chicago has reported 56 so far this year, according to the CDPH website. They’re the first cases seen in the city since 2019.

Biden’s border crisis is inviting a public health disaster as illegal immigrants bring in a raft of diseases that were, until now, mostly under control here in the U.S.

And it’s no surprise that Chicago has been hit hard as officials draw illegals to the city with millions of dollars worth of freebies.

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