The Chicago Grid Chicago

Chicago mayor says city returning parks to the public after using them to house illegal immigrants – FOX News

The mayor’s office said immigrants from Gage Park, the Broadway Armory Park, Brands Park, Leone Park, and Piotrowski Park, will be moved to nearby shelters over the coming weeks, "minimizing disruptions with schooling and work." Once all immigrants are transitioned to another shelter, the city’s Park District will begin the process of restoring the parks for the public to use. Wirepoints' Ted Dabrowski, a prominent critic of Illinois, has stated that the state is not in good shape and that it is too expensive to live in, too many jobs, not enough good ones, and that people no longer trust the government. The state has lost another 300,000 people since the 2010-2020 period, and Dabsrowski argues that the cost of living in Illinois is too high and that there are other places where people can be more satisfied. He calls for a change in attitudes towards government, citing high taxes, high unemployment, and decreased government trust.

Chicago mayor says city returning parks to the public after using them to house illegal immigrants – FOX News

Publié : il y a 2 mois par dans

“We are not in good shape” Wirepoints’ Ted Dabrowski told ABC 20 Champaign during a segment on Illinois’ latest population losses. Illinois was one of just three states to shrink in the 2010-2020 period and has lost another 300,000 people since then. Ted says things need to change. “It’s too expensive to live here, there aren’t enough good jobs and nobody trusts the government anymore. There’s just other places to go where you can be more satisfied.”

Les sujets: Social Issues, Immigration

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